Wednesday, September 2, 2009

learning style assignment

Matthew Dobbs

After taking the learning style inventory I was not surprised with the results I had received. I have a VAK style, witch is visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The highest area I scored in was auditory with 9, kinesthetic with 8, and visual 6. When I was first beginning to learn how to read focusing on the sounds and tone is how I became familiar with the words. I enjoy having class discussions on topics because it gets everyone involved and wanting to interact. When given just a hand out and told to do the work I loose interest, but when the handout to talked about and told why it is we as a class are doing it, it becomes more easy and enjoyable. Ways to improv my learning experiences is by asking to see things on the bored and be explained, being abel to work with the students around me to collaborate on assignments, and having a english lab to review my work. When taking notes, I need to know what information is important to write down because what is being said in the class is what remembered. Having the class being broken up into sections helps me work hands on with people and focuses on my kinesthetic learning style. Because I have a multi learning style this will allow me to switch between the three with ease. Now that I have this information classes that are difficult will become easer. I will go over notes with classmates so I can have the hands on and the auditory style learning. Make sure to pay attention to what is being said and follow the directions. For Botany instead of just reading about different plants, ill venture outside of school and take pictures and notes with other students.

letter of introduction

Matthew Dobbs

As a writer the best experience that had been presented to me was in my senior year. Given the chance to write a research paper on any subject. The topic chosen was Transcendentalism, this is the idea that material items such as money, clothes, and possessions are not as important then the human being themselves. Focusing on life and the people around you, instead of going to church they believe God is in nature not a building. Research papers are now one of my preferred styles of writing due to the success and ease with my senior experiences.
In high school the opportunity to learn sign language was given to the student body, luckily i was one of the few. The most interesting thing about sign language is that it is faster then actually talking. Your expressions and face is how you communicate, one sign can mean two things so depending on the topic being discuss determines witch meaning you are talking about. Some languages steer more interest then other for me, the next language I would like to try is spanish.
Some of my favorite books to read are about how to view thing differently for example “Into The Wild” is about how a young man is done with the way society focus on media, greed, and the American way and instead cuts himself off from his family and all people he did know to start a journey to Alaska, and on it how he learns that human connection and experienced being shared with one another are the essence of life witch we all need. Henry David Thru and his book “The Matter of Man” is another favorite. Thru touches on all topics of human ways and nature, how being happy is not about what you have but about who you are as a person and the relations you have with others.
What brought me to HSU was the people. How every one is down to earth and enjoys learning as much as experiencing new things. Botany is defiantly another reason why Humboldt had drawn my attention so much. Having a large option of majors for science and environmental study is something important, especially when we as human kind need to lean to live with our world not not deplete it.