Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Portfolio Guide

It appears to me that the portfolio guide and the comity put a lot of time and effort into making this English program. Every step and process of the way what needs to be done in the class, what we need to keep to prove that we have have grown as writers, the three essays we need to turn into the comity, and the cover letter. Each of these things are the keys to passing english 100/100a/200. First is the working portfolio, this will contain all of the drafts,revision, and reader’s responses all through the semester. This is something excellent to show the comity because this can be a supporting document showing the growth you have made along the way. The second portfolio includes the cover letter and two to four writings. The cover letter is where you can shine, this is your chance to actually write to the comity for a little bit about each of the writings you turn in. You want to explain all of your strengths and weakness, thats right your weakness, if you demonstrate awareness of what you learned as a writer then it shows you understand. If a student has a D+ or lower then they cannot submit any of the portfolios and must take english 200 in order to try again. I truly enjoy this portfolio system, it dose not make you feel like you are being judge by the work you put out. The teachers and students both act as coaches and editors to each other. It is important to us as writers in the class to get feed back from on another so that we may look at our own writings in different lights so that we may add, or edit things we did not see before. When turning in your final work to the portfolio comity make sure it meets all of the requirements such as heading, fonts, and the placement for your all your information. After reading the portfolio guide I feel confident in the portfolio comity expectations for the level of writing from all of the university, they came up with a system that works to help teach not only the students but the teachers and ways they can help teach us better.

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