Thursday, November 12, 2009

Know It All

I had enjoyed reading about Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales. Learning about how this website came to be in a short amount of time and the back round information made it more enjoyable to read. I did find myself having to go back and read things over again about how each search can lead you to other links about other facts you may not even want to know. As a reader I found it to be a little long for a web entry and had dragged on some parts like examples of how Wikipedia fails to accurate and sends you all over. I also noticed that the hardest thing to find in the entry was the most interesting, “Last year, Nature published a survey comparing forty-two entries on scientific topics on Wikipedia with their counterparts in Encyclopedia Britannica. According to the survey, Wikipedia had four errors for every three of Britannica’s”, it felt like Stacy Schiff was more focused on saying how Wikipedia is something you should not trust. I don’t think Wikipedia can conquer expertise but it can come in handy with giving users information needed, but as users go cant ever fully trust the information without check other sources. Wikipedias information comes from its users anybody with a computer can edit and add, this automatically means there is bound to be flaws. Always trusting expertise is not the way either, there are always some flaw, the key is using a collaboration of information from multiple websites.

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